Online Learning

Training Towards Online Classes

Click to download a letter from the Academic Registrar: Letter to first year Students: 

In preparation for Online Teaching and Learning ; All students are invited to participate in the  Student Online Sensitization Programme. The Sensitization Programme will be conducted online by ICT.  Invitation links to attend each session will be sent to students as per schedule. 

The purpose of this sensitization Programme is to introduce all students to the various Online learning platforms like eClass, SOMAS,& Google meet, the Student Management Information System (SMIS) and the University of Nairobi Learning Management Systems.

The training sessions are broken down to 1-hour sessions throughout the day (9:30am-10:30am) (11:30am-12:30am) and (2:30pm-3:30pm) The sessions will be very interactive and helpful to all students. All students are required to attend the mandatory sensitization/training sessions as indicated in the schedules linked below.  


Expiry Date